In order to raise the standard of education in Bharat, the non-profit NGO AJA Education and Foundation was established. Founded on 12th January 2022 to offer education to youngsters attending secondary and high schools in slums or coming from low-income families. Encouraging young people to pursue education and developing their talents through education enables them to become leaders and agents of change. The scope and scale of AJA Education and Foundation have expanded, and its programs now reach kids all over the nation. Concentrating on high-quality, affordable, and scalable initiatives to close educational system gaps.

Since it is common knowledge that students who do not receive enough guidance in their high academics cannot comprehend their actual potential, AJA Education and Foundation, a child education NGO, made the decision to carry out student counselling in the appropriate manner. For a variety of reasons, children are prevented from achieving their goals, and one of the most stubborn obstacles is poverty. Hence We are constantly working to improve education for students because we believe that every child is exceptional in their field and can achieve the pinnacle of success if the proper learning opportunities are provided along with a wonderful environment to help kids open their minds and acknowledge their goals.