When we talk about future expansion, we envision a vision of progress and growth that surpasses what currently exists, and the possibilities are boundless.

Any non-governmental organization (NGO) is established to promote the social welfare of people and assist the underprivileged in attaining the life they deserve.

As time passes, old strategies become outdated and there is always a need and scope for expansion and innovation. Having plans not only allows the organization to achieve its goals and objectives, but also allows it to reach out and serve the maximum number of people in society.

Although AJA has been actively involved in a number of initiatives since its inception and has successfully impacted the lives of hundreds of children, there is still much more to be accomplished.

Our primary focus and aspiration is to ensure that every child in our country has access to education. Since millions of children in Bharat lack access to basic education, our plans include:

  1. Providing free and easy access to education for children of all age groups.
  2. Encouraging and supporting the re-enrollment of children of all ages who left school due to poverty or other factors.
  3. Providing women of all age groups with skilled and unskilled training to help them become financially independent and free.
  4. Efforts are underway to identify a primary school where education can be imparted on a larger scale to children from socio-economically weaker sections of society. We are in negotiation talks for necessary collaborations and partnerships to reach a larger section of society.

Another major initiative we are working on is to provide guidance to children at their doorstep. We are also in the process of conceptualizing the provision of guidance, counseling, vocational training, and entrepreneurship to underprivileged children, particularly those in slum localities. We will strive to collect maximum donations to achieve our goals and make this country and society a better place to live in!